29.10.2014 C2C - C2coin Installation of Windows Wallet *) Unzip the files to any directory *) Start c2coin-qt.exe *) Allow connections in your firewall - if necessary *) The program will create the following directory: c:/users/[USERNAME]/AppData/Roaming/C2coin *) This directory contains your wallet-file, the blockchain and the log-file *) Put a c2coin.conf file there, if you want to do further configuration *) To start mining open "Help - Debug - Console" and enter "setgenerate true" === Note: C2coin uses the following Ports: *) Port: default 21333 (testnet 20333) *) RPC-Port: default 21332 (testnet 20332) === As C2coin is based on Litecoin, commandline arguments and configuration settings are the same: https://litecoin.info/Litecoin.conf The following commands can be used in the console: addmultisigaddress <'["key","key"]'> [account] addnode backupwallet createmultisig <'["key","key"]'> createrawtransaction [{"txid":txid,"vout":n},...] {address:amount,...} decoderawtransaction dumpprivkey encryptwallet getaccount getaccountaddress getaddednodeinfo [node] getaddressesbyaccount getbalance [account] [minconf=1] getbestblockhash getblock [verbose=true] getblockcount getblockhash getblocktemplate [params] getconnectioncount getdifficulty getgenerate gethashespersec getinfo getmininginfo getnetworkhashps [blocks] [height] getnewaddress [account] getpeerinfo getrawmempool getrawtransaction [verbose=0] getreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] getreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] gettransaction gettxout [includemempool=true] gettxoutsetinfo getwork [data] getworkex [data, coinbase] help [command] importprivkey [label] [rescan=true] keypoolrefill listaccounts [minconf=1] listaddressgroupings listlockunspent listreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] [includeempty=false] listreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] [includeempty=false] listsinceblock [blockhash] [target-confirmations] listtransactions [account] [count=10] [from=0] listunspent [minconf=1] [maxconf=9999999] ["address",...] lockunspent unlock? [array-of-Objects] move [minconf=1] [comment] sendfrom [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to] sendmany {address:amount,...} [minconf=1] [comment] sendrawtransaction sendtoaddress [comment] [comment-to] setaccount setgenerate [genproclimit] setmininput settxfee signmessage signrawtransaction [{"txid":txid,"vout":n,"scriptPubKey":hex,"redeemScript":hex},...] [,...] [sighashtype="ALL"] stop submitblock [optional-params-obj] validateaddress verifychain [check level] [num blocks] verifymessage